Almond Burfi Recipe
Indulge in the delicious Almond Burfi, a classic Indian sweet adorned with a touch of silver and enriched with saffron.
- 1 cup almonds
- 1½ cups sugar
- 2 tbsp ghee
- A pinch of saffron
- Milk, just enough for blending
- Edible silver leaf or silver transfer sheets for decoration
1. Begin by soaking the almonds and sugar in a minimal amount of milk.
2. After soaking, blend the almonds and sugar using just a tad bit of milk to achieve a smooth consistency.
3. Transfer this mixture to a nonstick pan. Cook, stirring continuously to prevent it from sticking.
4. As the mixture thickens, incorporate the ghee and saffron. Continue cooking until the mixture forms a ball and leaves the sides of the pan.
5. Pour the thickened mixture onto a greased cookie sheet. Cover with cling wrap and gently roll over with a rolling pin to achieve an even spread.
6. Embellish your almond burfi with edible silver leaf for an elegant touch.
7. Once set, cut into your desired shapes and serve. Enjoy this luxurious treat!